
Here are some resources (some original, some not) that should be helpful for researchers interested in Brazilian politics:

1. Economic Segregation in Brazil - This data set includes original measures of spatial economic segregation for all Brazilian municipalities in 2010. To calculate the measures, I used census tract data from IBGE (the Brazilian statistical service) and the methodology outlined in Reardon & O'Sullivan (2004). Contact me for more information.

2. Brazilian Municipal Identifiers - Brazilian government agencies use various codes to identify cities, which makes it difficult to combine data sources. This file is a key that includes UF abbreviations, TSE codes, 6 and 7-digit IBGE codes, and microregion and mesoregion identifiers.  

Other helpful data sources for Brazil:

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (2011)

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais (2011)